Academic Amnesty Policy

Please refer to the Academic Amnesty Policy for further details.

Academic Good Standing, Probation & Suspension Policy

Please refer to the Academic Good Standing, Probation & Suspension Policy for further details.

Academic Honors

During the fall and spring semesters, the Deans’ List (3.5-3.99 GPA) and President’s List (4.0 GPA) are established to recognize undergraduate students seeking their first degree for their academic achievements. Students completing at least 12 credit hours with no incomplete grades during that semester are eligible to receive a Certificate of Recognition. The Vice President for Academic Affairs Office issues the certificate to the student.

Audited Course Policy

Please refer to the Audited Course Policy for further details.

Catalog Assignment

All first-time entering students, transfer students, or students returning to Chadron State College will be assigned to the current catalog. Students may choose to follow a later catalog published after their (re)enrollment. Students may choose to appeal entrance into the current catalog by writing an explanation of reason to the Dean of Curriculum.

Course Challenge

Students enrolled at Chadron State College can earn college credit by "challenging" selected courses listed within the undergraduate catalog.

  • Requests to challenge a course must be made to the dean of the school in which the course is listed.
  • The dean and the appropriate department will determine if the course is available for challenge and whether the challenge shall be by comprehensive examination and/or by some other evidence of competence in the subject matter of the course.
    • Exceptions:
      • When the course is a prerequisite to a course already taken
      • When the course has been taken previously for audit or credit
      • When the course has been determined to be ineligible for challenge by the academic school
  • Course challenges must be requested and completed prior to enrolling for the course.
  • Credit will be granted only if the grade received on the challenge is a “C” or above.
  • The credit will be recorded on transcripts and calculated into earned CSC course credits.
  • Forms for course challenges are available from the Records Office
  • Fees are determined annually and are charged through the Business Office and must be paid prior to challenging the course
  • Other policies may apply.
Course Numbers

The first digit of a course number indicates the class level at which the student would ordinarily register for the course, but students may enroll in lower level courses as well as one level above their class ranking as follows:

  • Freshmen enroll in courses numbered 100 through 299.
  • Sophomores enroll in courses numbered 200 through 399, or lower.
  • Juniors enroll in courses numbered 300 through 499, or lower.
  • Seniors enroll in courses numbered 400 through 499, or lower.
Course Sections

Classroom Based Courses

These courses require participation within the traditional classroom AND are not distance learning courses.

  • 01-10 (Face-to-Face) Sections: conducted in an on-site face-to-face format (mode of instruction).
  • 99 (Hybrid) Sections: conducted in an on-site face-to-face format (mode of instruction) with a virtual learning experience component.
    • For campus based students see also the 89 (blended) sections under distance delivered courses.

Distance Education Courses

These sections are available entirely on the Internet.

  • 79 (Online) Sections: all students participate completely online. This involves faculty-to-student and student-to-student interaction.
  • 89 (Blended) Sections: designed to accommodate both on-campus learners and distance learners.
  • Campus-based learners have online access to course materials, but are required to attend regularly scheduled face-to-face classroom instruction.
  • Distance learners access all course materials online. Required participation is electronically mediated.

Additional Locations Courses

These sections are conducted in a place, geographically separate from the Chadron campus, where instruction takes place. An additional location typically does not have a full range of administrative and student services staffed by the facilities personnel. Such services are provided from the Chadron campus. A facility may provide access to instruction requiring students to be present at a physical location that receives interactive TV, video, or online teaching.

  • 40 (Face-to-Face or Synchronous, Interactive Television) Sections: conducted in Scottsbluff.
  • 65 (Face-to-Face or Synchronous, Interactive Television) Sections: conducted in North Platte.
  • 84 (Face-to-Face or Synchronous, Interactive Television) Sections: conducted in Sheridan, Wyoming.

Dual (ACES) Credit Courses

ACES (Access to College Engagement to Success) or dual credit refers to courses taught to high school students for which the students receive both high school credit and college credit.

  • 48 (Face-to-Face) Sections: conducted in an approved high school.
Enrollment Status Definitions

Undergraduate (per semester)

  • Full time = 12+ credit hours
  • Three quarter time = 9-11 credit hours
  • Half time = 6-8 credit hours
  • Less than half time = 5 or less credit hours

Graduate (per semester)

  • Full time = 9+ credit hours
  • Three quarter time = 7-8 credit hours
  • Half time = 5-6 credit hours
  • Less than half time = 4 or less credit hours


Grade Appeals Policy

Please refer to the Grade Appeals Policy for further details.

Grade Level/Classification
  • Freshman = 1 – 29 completed credits
  • Sophomore = 30 – 59 completed credits
  • Junior = 60 – 89 completed credits
  • Senior = 90 or more completed credits
Grade Point Average

Chadron State College assigns quality points to letter grades as follows:

  • A = 4 points
  • B = 3 points
  • C = 2 points
  • D = 1 points
  • F = 0 points

To determine grade point average, the total number of quality points earned for each attempted credit hour is divided by the total credit hours attempted (including semester hours passed and failed). The grade point average is computed only for courses taken at Chadron State College.


The following grades are currently used at Chadron State College:

  • A - Superior performance
  • B - Excellent performance
  • C - Average performance
  • D - Below average performance
  • F - Failure to meet minimum requirements, or student failed to officially withdraw from course
  • I - Indicates some portion of the student’s work is unfinished due to a justifiable reason. An "I" is issued at the discretion of the faculty and Dean of Curriculum. A grade for the term is recorded when the work is completed. If the work is not completed within twelve months, the instructor must submit a grade change to reflect a grade other than "I".
  • IP - “In Progress” indicates a course continuing into the next term. Grades are recorded at the end of the course.
  • P - Passing performance; requires previous registration as Pass/Fail
  • W - Indicates official withdrawal from a course
  • AD - Administrative Drop (refundable)
  • AU - Indicates non-graded, audit participation in a course
  • AW - Administrative Withdrawal (non-refundable)
Incomplete Grade

A student may petition for a grade of Incomplete only when the student has a justifiable reason for his or her inability to complete the course. The petition must be made prior to a letter grade (A-F or W) being posted. The student and the instructor will designate a due date for all work to be completed and after the student’s coursework is submitted to the instructor, the student will be assessed a final letter grade. The due date for the coursework must be by the end of the following semester (or summer session). Failure to complete coursework by the agreed upon timeframe will result in a grade of F being posted.

Failure to complete a course within the semester may impact Financial Aid eligibility. The student is encouraged to seek counsel from the Financial Aid Office prior to petitioning for an Incomplete.

Independent Study

Signatures from the appropriate faculty member, chairperson, and Dean of Curriculum are required for registration in independent study courses. The form describing the course and expected course requirements must accompany the registration. All independent study courses will be given a course title on the transcript. Download the Independent Study Request Form.


Students wishing to enroll in additional hours beyond the maximums listed below must petition for an overload.  The appropriate School Dean, depending on academic area for major, must approve the request. 

To petition for an overload, please complete the Request for an Overload.   

Undergraduate students

The maximum semester load is as follows:

16-week fall/spring semester  = 18 hours

8-week session (fall, spring, summer) = 9 hours

Full summer session (12-weeks) = 15 hours

4-week, summer session = 4 hours

Graduate students

The maximum semester load is as follows:

16-week fall/spring semester  = 12 hours

8-week session (fall, spring, summer) = 6 hours

Full summer session (12-weeks) = 9 hours

4-week, summer session = 4 hours


Special Courses & Requirements


Requires permission from Career and Academic Planning Services, King Library 201. Please request paperwork through that office.

Block and Teacher Internship

Requires clearance through the Field Experiences Office, Old Admin 106

Courses Involving Trips

Requires the signature of the instructor.

To Be Added To A Course That Is Closed

Requires the signature of the Dean of Curriculum.

Textbook Information